Each part of my name has a pretty significant gravity to it for a variety of different reasons. All these pieces create a kind of a hodgepodge of things and I absolutely love my name.
My name is Anna Nelson-Feeney. I was adopted from Korea and so my birth mother gave me my first and middle name Annah Kim or Kim An-nah. And then my last name came from my mother and father here in the States, Nelson-Feeney. So I didn't really see myself as being Korean for a while...And then over time I started to make more Korean friends. They were what I'd call the "weird Koreans," the ones that don't fit the mold so they're already not judging you based on these preconceived notions of what it means to be Korean and what it means to be a Korean American, like there's a higher hierarchy for Asian Americans in terms of like how Asian you are. I didn't even know that POC meant "Person of Color" until I moved to Seattle. When I heard that term, I was like I'm gonna own this. I'm just a person of color, like that's big enough for me, that's a home that I can reside in that has big enough walls. Maybe it's in the last year, very recently, that I decided that I'm Korean. It's for me, it's not for anyone else. I don't need to prove it to anyone.