Why the idea of reaching Zen can be harmful
June 30, 2023
Not So Healing Anymore…Rebranding
October 18, 2023
I am thrilled to announce that I have been selected for a $5,000 artist grant from the Collective Power Fund from Northwest Film Forum and Warhol Foundation for my new project Home in My Body.
In the proposed project, I intend to do a deep exploration of what it is like for women to live in different bodies with an emphasis on QTBIPOC. Through interviews, writing exercises and disembodied portraits (faces are not shown), I intend to share participants’ raw, vulnerable and personal experiences of what it’s like to live in their specific bodies. Through these stories, the project intends to explore the impact of patriarchy, systemic racism and other forms of inequality on individuals.
Through community centered art shows, storytelling events, workshops and panel discussions in Seattle, this project will facilitate honest in-person conversations, especially with QTBIPOC, that challenge common beliefs about how we are expected to live in our bodies and what makes one more worthy than another.
Thank you to the Collective Power Fund and visit their announcement to read about all the other artists selected for this grant.